
Series Title German English English (U.S.)
SCK Chemical Drive Pump for Mechanical Seals (Bearing pedestal group: 0, Bearing lubrication: Grease and Oil bath)
SCK Chemical Drive Pump for Mechanical seals (Bearing pedestal group: 1+2+3, Bearing lubrication: Grease or oil bath)
SCK-B Chemical Drive Pump for Mechanical Seals (Bearing pedestal group: 0)
SCK Mechanical Seals (external, single)
SCK Mechanical Seal RG-4 (stationary, single)
SCK Mechanical Seals RG-4 (stationary, single, with quench)
SCK Mechanical Seals (double, to DIN EN 12756)
SCK Mechanical Seals RG-4 (stationary, double, liquid sealed)
SCK Mechanical seals Bearing pedestal group 0 (external, single, double)
MNK Sealless Chemical Magnetic Drive Pump (Bearing pedestal group: 1+2, Bearing lubrication: Grease and oil bath)
MNK Sealless Chemical Magnetic Drive Pump (Bearing pedestal group: 4, Bearing lubrication: Long life grease or oil bath)
MNK-B Sealless Chemical Magnetic Drive Pump Close-coupled design from size 25-25-125
MNK-B Sealless Chemical Magnetic Drive Pump Close-coupled design Size 25-25-100
MNK, MNK-B, MNKA, MNKA-B, MNK-X, MNK-XB, MNK-S, MNK-SB External Flushing of Magnetic Drive Chemical Pumps
MNK-X, MNK-XB, SCK-X Frame-mounted Chemical Vortex Pumps
MNK-S, MNK-SB, SCK-S Magnetic Drive and Mechanical Seal Chemical Pumps "Self-priming" design
MNK, MNK-B, MNK-X, MNK-XB, MNK-S, MNK-SB SAFERUN® Pump Monitoring System
MNK, MNK-B, MNK-X, MNK-XB, MNK-S, MNK-SB SAFERUN® Pump Monitoring System - APP
MNK, MNK-B, MNK-X, MNK-XB, MNK-S, MNK-SB SAFERUN® Pump Monitoring System - Temperature sensor
MNK, MNK-X, MNK-S Secondary seal SAFESEAL® for Chemical magnetic process pumps
MPB Peripheral Pumps with Magnetic Drive Close-coupled design size 25-25-115
MNKA Sealless Chemical Magnetic Drive Pump (Bearing pedestal group: 1+2, Bearing lubrication: Long life grease and oil bath)
MNKA Sealless Chemical Magnetic Drive Pump (Bearing pedestal assembly: 4, Bearing lubrication: Long-life grease and oil bath)
MNKA-B Sealless Chemical Magnetic Drive Pump Close-coupled design
RMI Sealless Chemical Magnetic Drive Pump (Bearing pedestal group: 1, Bearing lubrication: Grease or oil bath)
RMI-B Sealless Chemical Magnetic Drive Pump Close-coupled design
RMA Sealless Chemical Magnetic Drive Pump acc. to ASME (Bearing pedestal group: 1+2, Bearing lubrication: Long life grease and oil bath)
RMA-B Sealless Chemical Magnetic Drive Pump Close-coupled design


Series Title German English English (U.S.)
MV/F, MVM/F, MVP/F, MVMP/F Diaphragm Shut-off and Control Valve
PA/F, PA/S Sampling Valves (PFA-lining or investment cast stainless steel)
BAV/F, BAVM/F Bottom drain valve
KN/F, KNP/F KN-D/F, KNP-D/F KN-S/F, KNP-S/F Ball Valve with ball/stem unit or Al2O3 ball / stem and Richter ENVIPACK universal packing
KNR/F, KNRP/F KNR-D/F, KNRP-D/F Control ball valve with V-control ball/stem unit and Richter ENVIPACK universal packing
KN/F, KNP/F Ball valve - Additional instructions for valves in accordance with ADR in conjunction with GGVSEB
KK/F, KKP/F, KK/FU, KKP/FU Compact ball valve
KK/F, KKP/F Compact ball valve - Additional instructions for valves in accordance with ADR in conjunction with the Ordinance on GGVSEB
KH/F, KHP/F Ball Valve with ball, stem and self-adjusting, maintenance-free packing gland
KA-N/F, KAP-N/F Bottom drain ball valve with ball/stem unit or Al2O3 ball / stem and Richter ENVIPACK universal packing
NKS/F, NKSP/F, NKL/F, NKLP/F Shut-off and Control Butterfly Valve (Sandwich-type body: Series NKS/F; Lug-style body: Series NKL/F)
NKS-N, NKSP-N Shut-off and Control Butterfly Valve, metal-coated
KNA/F, KNAP/F KNA-D/F, KNAP-D/F KNA-S/F, KNAP-S/F Ball Valve to ASME with ball/stem unit or Al2O3 ball / stem and Richter ENVIPACK universal packing
KNAR/F, KNARP/F KNAR-D/F, KNARP-D/F KNAR-S/F, KNARP-S/F Control Ball Valve to ASME with V-control ball/stem unit and Richter ENVIPACK universal packing
KNA/F, KNAP/F Ball Valve complying with ASME requirements - Additional instructions for valves in accordance with ADR in conjunction with the Ordinance on GGVSEB
BVA/F, BVAP/F Standard Ball Valve to ASME with ball/stem unit or ball and stem, cone shape stem sealing
BVA/F, BVAP/F Standard ball valve - Additional instructions for valves in accordance with ADR in conjunction with the Ordinance on GGVSEB
KSE/F, KSE-C/F Safety Valves with cerification, spring-loaded
LPV/F Low-Pressure Safety Valves for gauge and low pressure with cerification (Angle valve: LPV-A/F; Inline valve LPV-D/F)
GU/F Overflow and pressure relief valve DN 25 with certification, spring-loaded
GUT/F Overflow and pressure relief valve DN 25, spring-loaded
PSG/F, TSG/F 2- and 3-way sight glasses
SGS/F Richter 2-way cylindrical sight glass
CV/F, CVV/F, BC/F, BCV/F Ball Check Valve
SR/F, SR-B/F, SRV/F, SRV-B/F, SRZ-V/F Check Valve solid ball, hollow ball or hollow plug with integrated sight glasses
RV/F Plug Check Valve - vertical installation
GR/F Plug Check Valve - solid plug
HV/F, HVR/F Globe Shut-off or Control Valve bellows sealed
RSS/F Chemical Bellows-sealed Globe Control Valve, remote actuated
TE/F, NKS-T/F, 3“ BSP Base valve, shut-off valve, drainage flange & cap
NKS‐I, NKSP‐I, NKL‐I, NKLP‐I, NKU‐I, NKUP‐I Shut-off and Control Butterfly Valve (U-style body: Wafer-style body: Lug-style body)


Series Title German English English (U.S.)
Pumpen, Armaturen Heating jacket for pumps and valves